last night was an all guys, one night in geylang with apple cao and viagra luah. it was superb. been months since i last went ...woohhoooo...shiok man..

delicious right?
i accidentally did something i should say really sinister but is freaking comical....if ur been to geylang there is this one old lady asking for money. my fren says in hokkien no spare change to give..immedately i drop one twenty cent coin on the table as i am trying to turn my hands away and hide the coins. !#$%^&*(. evil me and my cruel frens..i guess the old lady curse and swear us!!
anyway earlier. I met one of the land bankers about land banking investment. he tells about a couple of ways u can invest in real estates. is a new concept for me. as instead of investing a ready built land i.e buy houses, condos etc. you are buying a plot of high prospect land beside developing town or growing cities. after some urban planning in by the expertise team. Is a matter of time say 4 - 6 years, developers see potential in that land and buy over at high price. it is a capital guaranteed investment with a returns of 9 -14 compound interested rate returns per year!! it could double to even triple ur investment amount!
i will further discuss the compound interests rate in another blog which i going to set up real soon. it is a investment-know-how blog which i be sharing financial terms and different type of investments, loans, insurance etc.
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