070707 is the very live earth day.. go green

and it is also 2 more months to my operational ready date!!!
time files. been thur bmt, sispec, ssc, sslc and bsc thoughtout my entire ns life. it has been always tough whether is it physical or mental.
and it is also 2 more months to my operational ready date!!!
time files. been thur bmt, sispec, ssc, sslc and bsc thoughtout my entire ns life. it has been always tough whether is it physical or mental.
after my ns liability, i will be embarking on my career. a financial adviser at manulife which deals with investment (insurance, unit trust, different type of loans). i thought is similar work as a banker but instead of drawing a fixed pay, i have no bounds in my earnings. i become my own boss. hope i can reach to my freak dreams!!
owns a kelong, east coast penthouse, bmw 3 coupe, yacht!!! amazing freak right?
Why do you lay up for yourself treasures on earth instead of in heaven? Finances won't get you into heaven, Jesis will! I am taking donations.
Roberta Shugs
well u might be true
but for donations u might have to wait
Why not both.. take donations and invest LOL
hey man... your blog is GREAAAT! peace out... hugs fro brazil
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