had a long chat with my junior yesterday over lunch..interesting and funny chat..i can certainly relate my recent experience to her endless courtship encounters (she's expert alright and bring certain insights to my thoughts)
"friends or nothing". hurting words hur?
i realise is all about me. face the fact of life. stop dreaming and hoping. (marcus chng is damn freaking right about this!). clap takes 2 hands to produce.
i always hope for the best but reality isnt. shit happens, life goes on. here is one example:

taken at vivocity. latest fashion season.! =)

"friends or nothing". hurting words hur?
i realise is all about me. face the fact of life. stop dreaming and hoping. (marcus chng is damn freaking right about this!). clap takes 2 hands to produce.
i always hope for the best but reality isnt. shit happens, life goes on. here is one example:
taken at vivocity. latest fashion season.! =)
thanks people of hollywood for the medicore movies and thanks people of hongkong for the outstanding action/triads films that accompanied me this few days. it keeps me away from thinking much =); thanks the people of thailand for bring me laughter since yesterday with their outstanding commericals..here's some:
peppermint field gel?? lol
one man does it all. cost cutting hur.
appreicate little things in your life. cheers!
cocky gangster to deal with
lovin this one!!
i need time. =)
i need time. =)